Sometimes I get so excited I just bark and bark. It's very noisy and I drive everyone mad - great!! I occasionally get shouted at but I never worry about it as I know that when I turn on the charm I am instantly forgiven. I only bark when I am digging so surely that has to be allowed as all other times I am such a good boy?
I know lots of other hounds that bark most of the time, and for no apparent reason. I don't understand that. They must be bored.
from it all. I like to still stick around to make sure that nothing
exciting happens. I don't like to miss out on things. By now I am quite
wet and cold and I am hoping that we are maybe going in soon to all
curl up on the sofa in front of the fire. That is my favourite pastime of all...well, apart from eating maybe. I am sure we will be back out digging tomorrow. I wish for my very own chair on the veranda when it is finished.
Hooooooray!! It's time for the sofa!! Just look at that fire - I can lie in front of it ALL DAY!!! And there are rays of sun coming in aswell - sun and fire - sorted!!
it is a dogslife alright!! :o)