Sorry for not doing any blogging for a while - we have been so busy looking after our guests!
We just had to share todays outing with you though - we awoke to the must fantastic summers day. Clearblue sky, 35 degrees and endless sun! There was only one thing for it - head for the river!
This place is called Roc d'Enfer - Hells's Rock. It is about 10 mins drive from La Maison Verte. There are huge rocks here, hence the name, where you can abseil etc. There are rapids, currents and swirls and generally heaven if you like rafting and cayaking! Or, like us, you can just sit on one of the little sandy beaches and enjoy the scenery with some wine, olives, brie, salami and baguette! Much safer!!
Spot the dog loves the river! He is a really strong swimmer and the only way you can get him to fetch a stick is by throwing it in the river.
As we were sat there on the rocks, dangling our feet in the river, we suddenly got a terrific rafting display. A couple of rafts from the local CPA (Open Air Centre) came past - it looked great and we might just have to have a go at that one day! Eeeekkkkk!
Anyway, we save that for another day...a bientot!